Sunday, November 8, 2009

Age and occasion appropriate fashion

Today The Refashionista was browsing at Target when she saw a woman looking at an adorable skirt. The Refashionista could not help but to comment, "That skirt is so cute."

The woman then replied, "Do you think my daughter would like it? I am trying to decide between this one (she held up another, longer but still very cute skirt) and this one, "she said indicating the one we were both looking at.

"How old is she?" I queried.

"She is in 7th grade."

"Oh, get her that one, " I said pointing to the longer skirt. "I'm a school teacher and the other one is still a little grown up for 7th grade."

"Thanks," the woman exclaimed. "I see you are thinking like a mom."

In truth, I was not, I was thinking like a teacher. My students often comment, "Miss, you never like what I wear." There they are wrong. I actually covet many of their cute outfits but as I frequently explain, some clothes are for the club and some are for school. A woman does not need to put her bosom out on a platter all the time, especially when she is only fourteen and spending the day at school. There is an age for most styles but there is also a time and a place. It is ok to look adorable at school and display a sense of fashion (even with a limiting dress code) but school is not the place to show off the goods.

Again, truth be told-- if I had a sixteen year old daughter, I would not let her out of the house dressed like a "hoochie." I think makeup in moderation is ok. Tight pants and skirts above the knees are ok too but hanging the girls out is just plain "slutty" and that is not the image that I would want for my daughter. Hanging the rear out is also unacceptable in my book. Here I go on another soap box... While this is in especially poor taste for young girls, it is really just in poor taste. Save the extreme cleavage, booty shorts and 7 inch stilletos for the bedroom where they belong. Celebrate your bodies all you want ladies but do it with class!

The Refashionista also feels strongly about age and occasion appropriate dress. Do not rock the midriff, if you are under 18 or over 40 unless you have a rockin' body too. Do not sport a super-mini skirt unless you are under ten (and wearing leggings or tights)or you are over eighteen. I'm just sayin'. Even then, there is a time and a place for such things. Do not wear clothing that hugs your fat rolls. It is not hot or sexy. Skin-tight clothing is only for the super-skinny or those with athletic build. Accentuating a few curves is good but watch yourself and always get a second opinion. Overall, you get my drift. It is important to be mindful in all life decision making and what you wear or don't wear is no exception to this rule. Think when you dress. Do you really want to leave home looking like that? The Refashionista will save the rant on overly-casual dress for another day... Until then, keep it age and occasion-appropriate.


Have Myelin? said...

I love this- I wish more mothers would pay heed!!!

Denver Refashionista said...

Thanks Myelin.

jan said...

This is a good post. It's troubling to see the way many kids dress for school.

Mike said...

Ahhh,I had a conversation at the college the other day. My friend and I were discussing the appropriateness of some of the young ladies outfits. We both agreed that they needed to be a little less revealing and a lot more self-respecting.